Aos Sidhe

Meeting the Irish Fair Folk

Morgan Daimler

90 Pages, ISBN 978 1 78904 937 4     
Published by Moon Books, Pagan Portals, 2022     

An introduction to the Aos Sidhe, the People of the fairy mounds, and to Irish fairy beliefs, this book takes readers on a journey to understand the place that fairies have had in Ireland across the millennia and into today. These beings can be found playing roles both significant and subtle in folk belief and their stories are part of the land itself, making them an intrinsic aspect of Ireland. And yet for those who haven't grown up with these beliefs there can be many misunderstandings and confusion surrounding who they are, and what they can do. Pagan Portals - Aos Sidhe will help people new to the subject, as well as those with a wider knowledge, to understand the range and depth of the folk beliefs. Covering everything from myth and folklore to modern anecdotes and specific types of Irish fairies, this book provides a solid understanding of what can be a difficult subject.

"Our best short book on the Aos Sidhe: Morgan writes elegantly, humbly and wittily about Ireland's oldest community."
- Simon Young, folklorist

"Another gem from an important author who can take the diverse and hard to find strands scattered through our medieval texts and present them in a concise, lucid and educational way. I consider Morgan a National Treasure of Ireland for het work in service to promoting indigenous Irish spirituality."
- John-Paul Patton, author of The Poet's Ogam and Lightning Bolts and Dew Drops: a Cauldron of Poesy

Morgan Daimler is a blogger, poet, teacher of esoteric subjects, witch, priestess of the Daoine Maithe, and the author of more than two dozen books including The Morigan, The Dagda, and A New Dictionary of Fairies.

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     
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