The Táin

Irish Mythology

The Táin Bó Cúailnge & The Ulster Cycle

T. Vermont

Introduction by Paul Marlais

302 Pages, ISBN 978 1 953373 25 0     
Published by TWPP, First Edition 2022     

"I Swear by the oath of my people," said Cúchulainn,
"my doings will be spoken of among the great doings of heroes in their strength."

The mythology of Ireland is often overlooked, but it is one of the richest of all, due to the Irish knack for storytelling, the uniqueness of the Irish language, and the historically robust defense of Irish identity and national character. At the heart of this folklore sage is the Tâin Bó Cúailnge ("the Cattle Heist of Cooly") of the Ulster Cycle, and the one-man army of Cúchulainn - a chariot warrior who precedes every superhero in strength and invincibility.

In this new edition of the tales, a road map allows for easy navigation through this magnificent collection, so that the confusion is cleared up, and we are better equipped to understand the beauty of Irish mythology.

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     
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